The closest outings to Paris are sometimes unrecognized ...

I recently learned that there is a fabulous heritage to be discovered in the Parisian museums and that free every day of the year. It's a godsend if you want to cultivate yourself without spending too much, here are the various links in this article that will help you prepare for your next outing.

These museums offer a permanent exhibition that is generally free throughout the year and a temporary exhibition that is usually paid for.

If you only visit the permanent exhibition, you will get by cheaply, the ticket is free.

We tested for you the Petit Palais in the 8th district opposite the Grand Palais. Petit Palais, Museum of Fine Arts of the City of Paris - 8e

The Petit Palais is above all the Museum of Fine Arts of the city of Paris.
It is one of the rare Parisian museums which presents to the public such a diversity of works: paintings, sculptures, tapestries, works of art and, for the first time, icons, offered by Roger Cabal. 1,300 works are now visible (850 before the works).
This broad artistic panorama extends over a vast period going from Antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century: the antique and medieval collections rub shoulders with works of the French and Italian Renaissance or Flemish and Dutch painting, bequeathed by the Dutuit brothers. . The 18th century works from the Tuck donation and the magnificent collection of 19th century French paintings are among the museum's gems, with prestigious artists: Delacroix, Monet, Sisley, Renoir, Toulouse-Lautrec, Courbet ...
This richness and diversity of the Petit Palais collections naturally give it an educational vocation, discovery and initiation into art.

In the basement, other magnificent works and finally Roman statues, ceramics and Greek vases.

Free permanent collections

Free admission